Civil Suit, Larimer County Colorado

The trial took a few days, with Plaintiff and Defendant’s presentation.

Plaintiff’s Daniela and Karla both testified under oath that Sharon Scheller changed lanes so close to Daniela’s van that she was forced off the road.  Sharon Scheller testified under oath that she did not change lanes. 

Dr. Zierk testified that in his opinion, Daniela did not have PTSD as the situation she faced was not that traumatic.  Daniela testified that as he was heading for the waterway at the edge of the field, she feared that she and Karla were going to die.

Officer Justin Lorenzen testified by way of video recorded deposition.  He did not show up in court, preventing him from being cross examined by Plaintiff’s attorney.  In his testimony he questioned why Karla asked some nearby people what they were looking at.  He was critical of her for asking such a question.  Her questioning of bystanders was not relevant to the case, and is purely prejudicial.

Late in the afternoon, a storm front moved through.  There was single, very loud clap of thunder.  The loud noise caused Daniela to have a serious panic attack.  She was in serious distress and was unable to speak.  She was led out into the hallway by the court so that she could recover.  The Jury got to see first-hand the type of panic attack that she had been suffering since the accident.

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